Ahhhhh… I LOVE this session! How could I not love a session with the most adorable and charismatic set of twins I’ve ever met?! What a joy these two were to photograph.
As a photographer, I am constantly growing and evolving and hopefully improving on my craft as I go. This session feels like ME, a little bit of giggles, a little bit of dress up, and REAL moments caught on camera.
I’m not sure if you all understand what I mean by this, but I will try to explain my thoughts. For every session, I have a vision of what I want it to look like, the “end” product so to speak. I try my very best to capture the little moments during our session together because those are the ones that truly tell a story. Sure, we squeeze in the photo for grandma (smiling directly at the camera…) but what I really want to capture is images of you being you. The silly faces when you think no one is looking, the giggles after someone says something totally ridiculous, the pouting face when you don’t get your way… those are YOU and those little expressions are the things we’ll remember about you years after you’re all grown up. This is why I love to photograph children. They do all these things naturally during our time together, where as adults do everything they can to NOT let those moments be captured. Somewhere through the years, we lose that innocence and forget how to take a step back and just appreciate the little things that make our family so special.
I hope these images make you smile and remind you to appreciate the joy of life through your child’s eyes, because let’s face it, those are the best eyes in the world!