So I’ve decided to start including my family in my blog because, let’s face it, they’re part of this business too. They’re a huge part of this business because they’re a huge part of me. My passion for photography really blossomed when I became a parent. I became almost obsessed with taking photos of my kids because I realized that every passing day they were changing and growing and I have to capture it all.
Often times I get caught up in the business side of things and realize that while I may have had my camera in my hand every day, I have not one image of what matters most to me… my family. So as a photographer, a mother and an artist, I have vowed to capture more images of the beauty in my life. My everyday moments that I find the beauty in as we all should do everyday, because all to soon, those moments are lost and forgotten.
On that note, here is the newest blog post, my terrible two year old, Liv. She is truly the light of my life and keeps me laughing (and busy) everyday. I had to share these images I took today because this is a classic Liv moment. Do your kids do strange yet comical things that you know you’ll want to remember someday? My kids have many, but sadly enough I can’t remember all the funny things my two older boys did when they were her age, so I had to document her as she is, no frilly dress, no perfect hairstyle (I don’t think it had even been brushed since this morning), and no beautiful scenery, just LIV.
To explain a bit, she is too short to turn the water on when she brushes her teeth, so after fighting a bit with gravity she almost always ends up giving up and deciding things would be much easier if she were just IN the sink! Yes, that’s how she brushes her teeth… everyday. (And the nakedness… that’s classic Liv as well 🙂 ) Enjoy a sneak peek into my beautiful life!