There’s nothing better than having the opportunity to photograph my closest and dearest friend and the newest addition to her family. I was invited up to Michigan to have the privilege of not only capturing gorgeous images of her new son, but also to get to reconnect and remember why we have always been and will always be best friends. There’s certain people you meet in your life that will always hold a special place in your heart and you know that no matter what is going on in your lives, you will always stay friends and be able to call on each other when you need to. This friend is someone who I can envision still laughing at our ridiculous memories even when we’re old and grey!
Sometimes its hard to believe that these two beautiful children are hers. It feels like yesterday we were just kids, asking our parents for sleepovers and rides around the town. Now we’re the parents… where did the time go?!
For this session, Mr. L was awake almost the entire time… but the great thing is I had the opportunity to capture his beautiful blue eyes, just like his sister. And speaking of his sister, is she a model in the making or what?! And yes, she is wearing white glitter eyeshadow… I mean what 3 year old little girl would not want makeup on for her model debut, right? Just take a look at these beautiful kids… I love them <3… they hold a special place in my heart, just like their mother