How can you not fall in love with those sweet pouty lips?! I love baby lips… and baby toes… okay, everything baby! (Even baby poop… I know, I’m weird, but once you’ve witnessed 3 year old poop all smushed up in a diaper, newborn poop makes you laugh!)
I had such a fantastic session with Amara and her wonderful family! She started out wide awake and I was able to capture those beautiful big eyes. At one point during our session together I was snapping away and I was amazed how content she was looking right past me. When I turned around, there were 4 deer running by the window, right there, less than 10 feel away! It was beautiful to see and I could tell Amara was going to love watching out the window in her new home.
I had so much fun spending the morning with Amara as her mom and grandma oohed and ahhed over her adorableness… I mean seriously?! Who wouldn’t stop and take a moment or two to just say… “AWWWWW!~” Just look for yourself!