What a smile on little Derek! I just love when little ones give those sleepy grins… I know people always say it’s just gas, but don’t you wonder sometimes if they aren’t just having sweet dreams? I like to think so, and they look so content and sweet when they do it.
During my sessions, I really enjoy getting to know each of the families I’m photographing and in newborn sessions, we have lots of time to get acquainted. During Derek’s session, both mom and dad were there to marvel out his cuteness. However, I think I should add into my session fee that I offer a bit of babysitting as well, since mom even had a chance to catch a quick nap while I worked The funny thing was, when I met with them for their ordering session, some of the images were brand new to her since she dozed off for a bit. What a great surprise! That just goes to show you how relaxing these sessions can be. What new parent couldn’t use a nap when you have a one week old?
Here is the ever adorable baby Derek in all his smiling cuteness!