One year old’s can be so much fun! They make the cutest expressions and are generally pretty quick to giggle… however every once in a while I come across a one year old who didn’t get the memo that today is their BIG day! It never fails my children were always their grumpiest on their birthdays or a holiday where I really just needed them to smile and be happy, just be their lovable selves.
Today was one of those days for Avery, she just wanted mommy…. So what did I do?! I did everything I could to take the attention away from mommy, I danced and sang and made silly sounds, all to make a one year old like me. Sometimes I would love to watch another photographer hoot and holler for the attention of a one year old, just to amuse myself since I’m always on the other end. Oh well, I don’t mind being the fool for the day because in the end, she did smile and we did have fun, so I feel good (even if I did look ridiculous!)